Humanity & humour from the streets

The skill of street photography is not only the ability to think on your feet in capturing an image at the perfect moment, it’s also demonstrating skill in connecting the viewer to the subject through empathy, humanity, intrigue, and humour.  The viewer’s connection with the subject depends on many elements – a sideways glance, clever framing, juxtaposition, or the capture of a momentary gaze. Achieving viewer empathy becomes a major responsibility of the photographer working on street portraiture. This collection provides examples of the interplay between these elements. 

Warwick butterflies .copy.jpg

Unknowable beneath his cap, an unnerving portrait with an enormous cut-out moth provides the subject of this image with heavenly wings.  We see the image of a man apparently transfixed while his distracted companion glances at something more inviting. A story of age and solitude, heavy with threat emerges and perhaps prompts us to wonder about our own mortality.

Tailor St copy.jpg

A tailor, with the tools of his trade in the background, appears amused.  The lens asks us to like him for his engagingly ruffled hair, inner glow, and gentle smile.  A closer look finds exhaustion in his eyes, and the story of the brutal hours worked by an Indian tailoring community in Abu Dhabi’s Mushriff area is only tempered by the humanity and generosity of spirit that the image captures. 

Istanbul wave.copy.jpg

Three elements contribute to the playful intrigue in this image of a waving man at the top of the steps.  While happily engaging directly with the lens, he is watched closely by a street camera, while the reflected face of a  young woman appears next to him. Unaware of her, his girth is empahsised by her youth and beauty while the juxtaposition is nicely captured by the presence of the street camera – all seeing but devoid of judgment. 

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In a small booth close to a Mumbai beach, an indulgently groomed moustache becomes the prime, joyous element of this image.  The man’s story is immediately apparent. From the deferential angle of the shot we learn about pride dignity and honour. Neatly arranged bottles, a classical seated position, and a pleasing superiority over the lens provide an uplifting story of commerce, personal industry and entrepreneurship found in every corner of Mumbai. 

Tattoo you copy.jpg

We don’t know if the woman in the wheelchair and the figure in the foreground are related but the harmony in the image lies in how the lens connects them through their reflected actions.  Both appear to be busy with ice-cream though we can only know this for sure of the figure we can see. Prominence is given to the retro sunglasses, an exotic tropical tattoo, and a plastic shopping bag hooked to the wheelchair. These elements place the couple in a British demographic so exact, that we could write their story from this image alone. 


A grizzled pensioner, cigarette clamped cheekily between his teeth, engages happily with the lens, his spectacular motorbike foremost in the image. Antiquity in the background provides a metaphor for the juxtaposition between youthful pursuits in old age. 

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The man in the kilt appears defeated - comical though, with his clown hair, rosy cheeks and tightly downturned expression. Closer examination reveals a small phone on his knee and it is intriguing to wonder why then, he waits so closely to the public pay phone. Perhaps this is the clue to his dogged demeanor.

Words by Vilja Wheatcroft.

A version of this essay first appeared in Jpeg Magazine in 2018.